In preparing for the Medical Camp, a press conference was held today to inform the public about the upcoming Medical CAmp which will take place on Sunday 27th November, 2016 at Kerege in Bagamoyo.
A range of conditions including malaria, anaemia, diabetes and hypertension, ENT, skin, eyes, dental, and cervival cancer will be screened for and treated. Free spectacles will be handed out to people with poor vision ante-natal counselling will be provided to pregnant women along with free obstetric emergency kits.
The Medical Camp is sponsored by Diamond Trust Bank and organized in partnership with the Shree Hindu Mandal Hospital, Vital Supplies, Whitedent, vClick Concepts Inc, MAK Books and Brains, ABACUS Pharmaceuticals, Fazel Foundation with Rotarians and Rotaractors.
From Left to Right:  Rtn. Esta Maro, Rtn. Farida Versi, Ives Mlawi, representative from DTB, Alfred Woiso, President of Rotary Club of Oyster Bay, Sophia Mang'enya , Service Projects Director Rotary Club of Oyster Bay and Monica Nagale, representative from DTB.