In recognition of Rotary Awareness Month, our club meeting was in turned into an exciting talk show. Our hot seat contestants this week were none other than the lovely President Nadine, and PE Thomas. Hot seat contestant were asked to answer a series of questions prepared by the host and members of the club. Contestant were given no time to practice or prepare, resulting in: real, fresh and funny responses. 


This meeting was inspiring, motivating, refreshing and exciting all the same time.. All members learnt about their leadership and were thrilled to get an insight into each one of them. 



Let's take a look at President Nadine's responses: 

Q: Why did you join Rotary?


A: At the beginning had no clue whatsoever what Rotary is about till I got the famous call from PDG Hatim. My first meeting was very short, met with Hatim/ Raju Dave & Vinoo Somaiya .. I was truly honored to be the first potential candidate meeting after meeting..Now Rotary it is part of my daily life J


Q: What does rotary mean to you?


A: Rotary is a lifestyle… Four way tests can be applied everywhere.. If we all do as per the four way test.. Earth will be a better living place.. Rotary changed my life, my way of thinking …. I call upon all to enjoy Rotary so we can together change lives J

Q: Share with us your most memorable rotary experience?

A: The most memorable day is when PP Maninder called and inform me that I have been nominated for VP position and as known in Rotary you hardly have a say J

Q: what is your day like as a president? What extra work or commitment do you have to do or make?


A: I enjoyed every single day of my year so far, I get to know the members better.. get to share their good and bad days…use the club runner on daily basis… It is just my email inbox which suffered the most! I suggest to every incoming President they should have a rotary email address… in short, during my year so far I have been working for Rotary and volunteering for Sea Cliff … J


Q: Why did you move to Tanzania?

My husband is been here since 1992… so here too I had no choice… had to go with the flow and take it day by day… Here I am 15 years… no regrets!

Q: What is your ideal holiday? Explain a day


My wish day …. A day on a private island.. no phones/ no internet… just my friends with lots of wine … J SPA day will do me good too J